Watch the Awesome Ways This Woman Works Out With Her Kids

I follow lots of healthy food and fitness accounts on Instagram, but one that never fails to make me smile is @staystrongmummy. Kimberley Welman, an Australian mom to 3 kids (an almost-3-year-old girl and 1-year-old boy-girl twins), posts adorable videos of the home workouts she does that include her kids. (Welman posts her videos on Facebook, too.)We’ve all heard the advice to figure out ways to fit in sweat sessions and to make time for and care for yourself. And that’s all true. But if you’re a mom like I am, you know that sometimes it just doesn’t seem possible. Kimberley has not only figured out a way to fit challenging workouts into her day, she’s also setting an amazing example for her kids by including them and making them a part of this healthy habit.RELATED:18 Habits of the Happiest FamiliesAnd although Kimberley is in phenomenal shape (those arms! those abs!), she writes with a folksy voice that comes across as down-to-earth and friendly, not shaming or superior. She describes herself on her website as “a wife, stay at home mum, daughter, sister, aunty and friend” who devotes “each day of my life to being the best earth-walking mummy I can be and fulfilling the duties that the universe has set out for me.”With all the body shaming out there both online and off—for having cellulite, for eating certain foods, even for being too skinny (!)—it’s so refreshing to follow someone who seems to be rooting for her fellow women and other moms.As she says on her site: “In sharing my stories, I hope to connect with like-minded mummy’s and maybe, through this rollercoaster ride of motherhood, help you to stay strong, mummy. I wish to inspire and also be inspired.” Mission accomplished.RELATED: 25 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere


Watch the Awesome Ways This Woman Works Out With Her Kids

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